The Peavine Mountain to Verdi Peak is a fun local run with desert, alpine, and mountain terrain and views of the Eastern Sierras, north valley, and Reno basin. It is always a highly attended event and this club run was no exception. We had 9 RSVPs plus family and dogs... so many dogs! We even had the mythical GIRLS on this ride.
Lots of wagons on the trails these days!
John in his Orange Crush dropping into the creek.
Ryan's sweet crawler showing us how it's done in the creekbed.
Verdi from the ranger station.
The view to the west from the old ranger station on Verdi Peak.
The trail through Dog Valley
Looking down on Reno from Peavine Peak
The I80 as it winds its way out of Verdi and into California. Yep! We got snow in June.